Long Beach DUI Lawyer

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Long Beach DUI Attorney

A DUI arrest can feel like a devastating blow. You may have heard that a possible license suspension or jail sentence can affect your life forever going forward. If an officer arrested you for a DUI in California and you need legal representation, our skilled Long Beach DUI lawyer is here to be your advocate in the DUI process.

You have no requirement to accept your charges, plead guilty, and suffer the consequences. On the contrary, you have options in the DUI process. Avoiding fines, a long-term license suspension, and jail time is possible with our firm by your side. Living with a criminal record can affect your life immensely going forward, and if you want a chance to avoid this, hiring a criminal defense attorney can be beneficial.

long beach dui lawyer

Fighting Your DUI Charges

At TMG Law Firm, we have fought DUI charges throughout California. In our state, the prosecution must prove that the defendant drove the vehicle and was under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Proving these elements is only sometimes clear-cut. The prosecution may often attempt to use police records or other methods to prove your mental or physical state at the time of your arrest. We can use this predictable procedure to find possible errors in your arrest or sobriety tests.

While our Long Beach DUI attorney has experience in DUI cases, we could never recommend trying to get a DUI dismissed alone. If you seek a dismissal, we believe you need to consult an experienced attorney. Legal professionals can find suitable defenses for your drunk driving or impaired operating case.

Examining the Legality of Your Traffic Stop

The traffic stop that led to your DUI arrest must have been legal, or we can seek the court to dismiss your case. If the stop was unlawful, the court can exclude any evidence an officer obtained, like sobriety tests or breathalyzer results. Our DUI attorney can look at the reason for the stop to determine if the officer had a valid reason to stop you. While a broken taillight or malfunctioning equipment can justify a stop, a slight weave within your lane may not.

Additionally, apart from the reason for your stop, we can examine if the officer had probable cause to suspect you were driving under the influence. The probable cause of this situation could be swerving erratically, driving at unusual speeds, or exhibiting signs of impairment. Still, the officer may have lacked probable cause if these did not occur.

Whether we challenge the officer’s reason or probable cause, we can file a motion to suppress any evidence obtained during the arrest. A successful suppression motion can dramatically weaken the case against you.

Inconsistencies and Errors With Sobriety Tests

Field sobriety tests can be unpopular with non-law enforcement citizens because of their subjectivity and inconsistency. These methods are roadside challenges officers typically orally dictate to drivers to assess their physical coordination and mental state. While officers can claim these test results indicate intoxication levels, these tests have flaws. Our DUI attorney can work to challenge these tests’ validity if an officer uses them with you.

Sometimes, an officer might intentionally deviate from the standard administration of the tests. If law enforcement personalizes your test to ensure failing test results, we can work to dismiss it.

Other factors, such as weather conditions, medical conditions, physical limitations affecting balance or coordination, or even unsuitable footwear, can influence your sobriety test performance, leading to inaccurate results. We can seek dismissal based on these factors.

Highlighting inconsistencies, improper procedures, and impactful errors can cast doubt on the sobriety tests’ accuracy and strengthen your case.

Investigating Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Test Issues

Officers can use chemical tests, like blood or breath tests, to measure a driver’s blood alcohol content. While sometimes they can produce accurate results, this is not always true. We can challenge the test results when there may have been errors, such as:

  • Improper Collection or Storage: Strict protocols govern blood sample collection, storage, and transportation. If there is a deviation from any of these protocols, this deviation can compromise the test results.
  • Calibration Issues: BAC tests, like breathalyzers, can require frequent calibration to ensure accuracy. We can seek dismissal if our investigation discovers that the test was improperly calibrated and maintained.
  • Medical Conditions: If you have a medical condition that interferes with the accuracy of blood alcohol tests, we can explore if they skewed test results in a way that makes them unreliable.

Using Eyewitness Accounts For Your Case

Witnesses can play a crucial role in criminal cases, and DUI charges are no different. If there were passengers in your case, people near the scene of the stop, or general bystanders, we could explore their testimonies. Witness testimony can help in ways that can lead to case dismissal.

Challenging an Officer’s Observations

When a witness can refute the officer’s claims about your driving behavior or demeanor, this can be crucial to your defense. For example, a passenger might be able to testify that you drove safely and followed the speed limit. This information can directly contradict an officer’s claim of erratic driving.

Establishing Sobriety

Witnesses who interacted with you before, during, or after your arrest may be able to testify about your sobriety level in court. Their testimony can cast doubt on the DUI accusation. Witnesses like this could include friends who saw you drinking a non-alcoholic beverage before getting into your car or colleagues who can vouch for your typical behavior or coordination at work before going home.

Providing Context

Some witnesses can provide details about the situation explaining your actions that the officer misinterpreted. For instance, if you swerved to avoid a sudden road hazard, a witness can corroborate that explanation, countering an officer’s impaired driving suspicion.

Helpful witnesses can also provide details explaining your demeanor during interactions with the officer. If you were tired from a long drive, but the officer mistook your fatigue for intoxication, it can work in your favor if a witness can attest to the needed context.

Potential Consequences of a DUI Conviction

You are not automatically guilty if charged with a DUI, so please seek legal representation when necessary. A DUI conviction is severe. In Long Beach, and surrounding areas, DUI consequences can extend far beyond simple fines. You can face:

License Suspension or Revocation

Many people can have difficulty understanding how dependent they may be on their ability to drive. A DUI conviction can lead to a suspended or revoked license, causing once simple tasks to be significant obstacles.

The length of a license-related penalty can depend on the severity of the current offense and any prior DUI offenses. Without a valid license, working, attending school, or making essential appointments is usually tricky. You can also face challenges in more manageable tasks like running errands, attending family events, or enjoying recreational activities.

Jail Time

Although jail time is rare for first-time DUI offenders in California, the penalty is still possible. Depending on your arrest situation and criminal history, you can receive significant jail time. Any jail time can impact your personal and professional life. You can lose your job and face other financial hardships.

Difficulty Obtaining Employment

DUI convictions can show up on background checks, which may make it more difficult to obtain employment. Some employers are hesitant to hire someone with a DWI on their record, especially for jobs requiring driving or clean criminal backgrounds.

Obtaining professional licenses and certifications can also become difficult, leading to further complications.


How Much Does a DUI Lawyer Cost in California?

The cost of a DUI lawyer in California depends on various factors, not limited to the location of a client’s case, the attorney’s experience, your desired outcome, and any previous charges or convictions you may have. However, a successful outcome far outweighs the price of a DUI attorney.

The potential consequences of a DUI can be so severe that a DUI lawyer becomes invaluable.

Is it Worth it to Get a DUI Lawyer in California?

It is always worth getting a DUI lawyer in California unless you are okay with receiving the full consequences of a DUI conviction. The full implications of a DUI in California are severe and should be avoided when possible. We believe that DUI penalties far outweigh the cost of a DUI attorney’s services. These professionals can become your advocate, fighting your DUI charges so you do not have to face them alone.

How Much Is a DUI in California in 2024?

How much a DUI is in 2024 in California spans more than just monetary costs. A DUI conviction can have a significant effect on your livelihood. These convictions can come with increased insurance rates, lost wages when courts suspend your license, and difficulty finding suitable employment. A DUI attorney can seek to minimize these and other costs.

Can You Be a Lawyer in California With a DUI?

According to the California bar, a DUI conviction can be professional misconduct. Professional misconduct can sometimes lead to disbarment or sanctions, preventing someone from practicing law in California. With a DUI conviction, there is no guarantee of prevention from obtaining your professional license. Still, it is wise to proceed with caution when deciding whether or not to operate a vehicle under the influence if you desire to enter this profession.

Get Help With Your DUI Case in Long Beach

By utilizing the defenses available, we can craft a great strategy to fight a DUI conviction or work to reduce your charges. A case that challenges the prosecution’s narrative and highlights inconsistencies can go a long way in the courtroom.

A DUI arrest can feel alienating, but you are not alone when you face DUI charges. At TMG Law, our Long Beach DUI attorney understands the legal system in California and can help you find your route to an optimal outcome. Contact TMG Law today for help with your DUI case.

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