Long Beach Drug Crime Lawyer

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Long Beach Drug Crime Attorney

Getting charged with a drug crime in California can result in serious consequences. In many cases, you may face felony charges and risk imprisonment. Regardless of if you are being charged with drug possession, trafficking, distribution, or manufacturing, you have the right to legal representation. An experienced Long Beach drug crime lawyer from the TMG Law Firm can help you navigate this complex legal process.

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How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help You

If you have been charged with a drug crime, it is crucial to hire a criminal defense attorney to represent you in court. Criminal defense attorneys protect the rights of their clients for a fair trial wherein the court finds the client innocent until proven guilty. As your representative, an attorney can:

  • Keep you informed of your rights
  • Assess evidence of the case
  • Determine an ideal defense strategy
  • Argue for dismissal of your case
  • Negotiate potential plea bargains
  • Represent you during court trials

Even if you believe you are not eligible or have no defense against the crimes you were accused of, you can still benefit from the guidance of a criminal defense lawyer. Our legal team has experience defending a wide variety of criminal cases. After discussing the facts of your case, we can determine the appropriate next steps. If you’re facing white collar crime charges, our white collar crime lawyers will provide expert legal counsel, focusing on crafting a defense strategy tailored to your situation.

What Drug Crimes Do We Defend?

California makes distinctions between different kinds of drug crimes. A few broad categories of drug crime are:

  • Possession
  • Manufacturing
  • Distribution
  • Cultivation of illegal drugs

Within these areas, there may be further division depending on the type of drug and severity of the offense. For example, possession can be broken down into two categories: simple possession and possession with intent to sell. Additionally, California also separates marijuana-related offenses from offenses involving narcotics. Domestic violence defense can also play a role, as these cases are treated separately, often with distinct penalties based on the circumstances of the alleged offense.

At the TMG Law Firm, we can represent you in all types of drug-related offenses. Whether you’re charged with minor drug possession or large-scale drug trafficking, our defense attorneys are capable of advocating for you.

How We Develop Strong Drug Charge Defenses

We tailor our drug charge defenses based on the specifics of each case. The regulations surrounding marijuana differ greatly from other drug regulations and should be assessed separately. Some ways we can defend drug charges include:

  • Declaring an unlawful search and seizure: Law enforcement is only allowed to search a person’s body or property under select circumstances. Unlawful search and seizure defenses are common due to how often these regulations are violated.
  • Drugs did not belong to you: It is difficult to prove that drugs found on your person or property were not yours. In some cases, a defense attorney can argue that there is reasonable doubt that you were aware of the drugs. This defense can be tricky and should only be pursued with attorney guidance.
  • Entrapment: It is possible for law enforcement to coerce, threaten, or harass someone into committing a drug crime they would not have committed on their own in order to arrest them. This is known as entrapment.

Is It Difficult to Defend Drug Charges?

It can be difficult to defend a drug charge on your own and just as difficult to know what to expect without the help of a criminal defense attorney. For the broad scope of drug crimes in California, there is an equally broad set of penalties you might face. When you invest in an attorney, you unlock the opportunity for reduced sentences or even case dismissal.

What Are the Penalties of a Guilty Verdict for a Drug Charge?

Penalties for drug-related crimes depend on the type of drug found and the nature of the crime. Transportation or sale of a controlled substance can result in a felony charge, and the sentence can increase depending on how far the substance is transported. Felonies are punishable by imprisonment.

You may also receive an enhanced charge if minors are involved. Selling drugs near a school, playground, or school-related program can result in enhanced charges, and additional charges may be applied if you are four or more years older than the minor involved, particularly in Long Beach, California. Local laws may impose stricter penalties for offenses committed within certain proximity to schools or areas frequented by minors, reflecting the seriousness with which these offenses are treated in the area.


How Do You Beat a Drug Sale Charge in California?

Drug sale charges in California can be reduced or dismissed with a solid criminal defense. A drug crime lawyer can develop a defense around one or more of the following strategies:

  • Proving entrapment
  • Illegal search and seizure
  • Insufficient Evidence
  • Improper Drug Testing

An attorney can help you determine a defense strategy that suits your situation.

How Long Can I Be Sentenced for Drug Charges in California?

Without knowing the specifics of your California drug charge, it is difficult to estimate the length of your sentence. Some factors that may exacerbate a simple drug possession charge include intent to sell, type of drug, and involvement of a minor. Marijuana-related crimes are typically punished less severely than crimes related to narcotics.

How Long Do Police Have to File Drug Charges in CA?

In California, the statute of limitations for police to file drug charges is three years. This is in line with California’s statute of limitations for felony offenses. Crimes that are punishable by imprisonment have a statute of limitations of three years, while smaller crimes that are not punishable by imprisonment (like those for small amounts of marijuana) have a one-year statute of limitations.

How Much Does a Criminal Lawyer Cost in California?

In California, the cost to hire a criminal defense lawyer varies. Lawyers typically base their fees on the amount of work that is required for your specific case. It is wise not to forego attorney representation, even if you believe you are capable of representing yourself. Consider how the consequences of a conviction can be far more costly than the investment in a lawyer.

Contact a Long Beach Drug Crime Attorney Today

At the TMG Law Firm, we do not shy away from tough cases. If you are involved and charged with a drug crime, do not hesitate to seek attorney representation. A strong advocate can make a world of difference when faced with difficult legal processes. Contact a Long Beach drug crime lawyer at the TMG Law Firm today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can help you.

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